These guys are dust: the birth of the queen of Internet.

There were a lot of memorable moments during “Chosen” the final episode of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. In my top favorite moments of that episode is a brief line profered by a newly minted red-head slayer, empowered by the special abilities bestowed by their calling, with a new level of confidence to face an giant army  of Uber Vamps.

If you don’t know Felicia Day yet, at some point you will.

She’s the creator, star and writer of the Internet sensation web series The Guild. A very clever show, that had a first season that was maintained with the help of donations from fans. Now in it’s 3rd season, they have found a sponsor on Xbox, which guarantee all people involved are paid and have created a very neat distribution structure of the show, that not only keeps it free aspect for the whole audience, but have also found a very interesting way for the sponsor to actually get something back from their sponsorship, not just simply slapping a logo somewhere in the show.

Tomorrow, you’ll probably see her with Neil Patrick Harris as they bring in another big thing from the Internet to the mainstream big tv audience of the Primetime Emmy awards, with something related to Dr. Horrible Sing-Along-Blog. But before that you should maybe check out great music video below:

Do you want to date my Avatar?

Liked it? The new season of The Guild has just started recently, and you can watch it through their website:

Check out the Second Life avatar version of “Do you want to date my Avatar?”